The Year of the Horse "has an object immediately" home furnishings layout high love index

[ Chinese wardrobe network ] In the new Year of the Horse, many single men and women may receive such a blessing "Is there immediately." How to develop a love index? How to arrange love feng shui? In fact, it is very simple, we will Create it from a romantic environment!

Space magician - side light

Love needs a little change. If there is a light embellishment in the plain space, it will be like magic. It will be amazed. Under the side light, the space will be more three-dimensional and full of life beauty. If there are flowers and ornaments in the room, Through the light and shadow, the depth of the space can be increased, and the whole environment is filled with the "romantic" magic power, which makes people unconsciously and gently increase the power, and let the love magic of the space be released.

Home layout

The use of room lighting should be appropriate

Love message - romantic movie, CD or newspaper

Love is an environmental message. If you want to fall in love, you can immerse yourself in the message of love. It is like watching romantic movies and novels. The whole body is full of factors that you want to fall in love. If these messages can be placed in the most comfortable corner, naturally Awakening the message of love, for a long time, the love energy developed can be discharged to the object of your choice at any time.

Home feng shui

Create a romantic atmosphere in the room

Ceramic Decoration

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