The new heat aging test box GBT7141-2008 standard foreword

Foreword - new heat aging test chamber GBT7141-2008 standard

This standard is modified by ASTM D5510:1994 (2001) Standard Specification for Thermal Aging of Oxidatively Degradable Plastics.

This standard was redrafted in accordance with ASTM D5510:1994 (2001).

Taking into account China's national conditions, this standard has been modified in the use of ASTM D5510: 1994 (2001). Technical differences have been incorporated into the text and identified by vertical single lines in the margins of the terms they refer to. A list of these technical differences and their causes is given in Appendix A for reference.

For ease of use, the following editorial changes have been made to ASTM D5510:1994 (2001):

a) the word "ASTM standard" is replaced by the word "this standard";

b) deleted the standard description of ASTM D5510:1994 (2001);

c) deleted the published notes of ASTM D5510:1994 (2001);

d) deleted the reference standard notes of ASTM D5510:1994 (2001);

e) an introduction to the preface of national standards;

f) in the normative reference documents, replace the ASTM standards with the corresponding national or international standards;

g) Added Appendix A.

This standard replaces GB/T7141-1992 "Test method for exposure of plastic hot air aging".

The main differences between this standard and GB/T7141-1992 are as follows:

-- GB/T7141-1992 has only one heat aging test chamber method, namely forced air ventilation air aging test chamber. This standard provides two methods of heat aging test chamber, namely gravity convection heat aging test chamber and forced ventilation heat aging test chamber. The two heat aging test chambers are respectively applicable to samples of different nominal thicknesses;

-- This standard puts forward more requirements for the selection of test cycles for plastic heat aging test chambers;

-- In addition to providing a test method and method comparison method for each material at each exposure cycle at a single temperature, this standard also provides test methods and results comparison methods for each material exposure test at a range of temperatures. The test results can be used for a basic assessment of the temperature stability of the material or an assessment of the maximum expected service life at the set temperature.

Appendix A of this standard is an informative annex.

This standard was proposed by the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association.

This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Technical Committee of the National Plastics Standardization Technical Committee.

This standard was drafted: Guangzhou Synthetic Materials Research Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing Tianjia Technology Co., Ltd.

The main drafters of this standard: Wang Haojiang, Shao Fang, Li Jie, Shan Jinhua, Yang Xinhua, Yang Yunong, Xie Zhenping.

The previous versions of the standards replaced by this standard are: GB/T7141-1986, GB/T7141-1992.

新款热老化试验箱GBT7141-2008标准 前言

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