Prevention and relief of 'sofa disease'

【Abstract】Methods for preventing and relieving “sofa disease”
1. It is best not to buy a sofa that is too soft. If the sofa is too soft, the support of the person's weight is unstable, and the person will intentionally or unintentionally move the body to seek a new balance and stability of the body. Therefore, sitting on a soft sofa for a long time will make people feel back pain and fatigue. At the same time, sitting on a soft sofa, it is difficult to maintain the normal physiological curvature of the spine, and the long time will make the back muscles tense, induce or aggravate low back pain, induce or aggravate low back pain. The choice of sofas varies from person to person and there is no absolute standard. However, in general, young people are busy outside for a day, and every joint of the body needs to be stretched easily. At this time, it is most suitable to sit on a soft and comfortable sofa. The middle and old aged people's body and bones are older than young people. It is not suitable for sitting on a soft sofa for a long time. You should choose a harder sofa. Love Iris sofa

2. Control time. To prevent sofa disease, it is mainly to maintain a good sitting posture. Do not sit on the sofa for a long time. The time for sitting on the sofa should not exceed one hour. When you need to sit for a long time, you should stand up for a few minutes every half an hour or so. The spring or cushion of the sofa should not be too soft, and the angle of the height and the backrest should be suitable to make people feel comfortable when sitting up. Some people like to sit on the sofa watching TV, and they don't move for hours. This is very harmful to the body and should be avoided.
3, you have to sit comfortably. The dimensions of all parts of the sofa should meet the requirements of ergonomics. Pay attention to the following aspects when purchasing sofas. First, sit high, the appropriate height should be equal to the height of the knee. The second is the depth. When sitting on the sofa to the maximum, it is better to keep the knee joint outside the sofa. The third is the angle. If the angle is too large, the neck will soon feel sore. During the sitting test, you can observe whether there is any gap between the waist and the sofa. For example, if there is a gap between the waist and the sitting surface that can be inserted into one hand, the weight of the limb is unsupported, the angle of the sofa is not suitable, and the angle is preferably 105°. The fourth is the height of the backrest. It is advisable to reach between the shoulder and the ear when sitting down. If you sit on a sofa that is not scientifically designed for a long time, it will lead to a variety of diseases such as lumbar muscle strain. Therefore, you need to pay attention to many details when purchasing a sofa from a health perspective.
4, children do not sleep on the sofa. Children should not sit on the sofa for a long time, and they should not sleep on the sofa as a bed. Because sitting or lying on the sofa for a long time, if the posture is not right, the sofa will exert some abnormal tension and pressure on the muscle tissue, and over time, it will cause excessive growth of collagen. Excessive production of collagen will cause a reaction, causing muscle pain, which will affect the normal development of bones.

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