For your health, please do not exercise too much!

Xiao Bian saw a news report. In a recent 1000-meter test for junior high school students in Dalian, a 15-year-old boy Zhang suddenly fell to the ground on the last lap, he suffered a sudden cardiac arrest despite an urgent CPR rescue. But still could not save back this young life.

Moderate exercise does contribute to physical health, but excessive exercise can cause immense harm to the body and even lead to sudden death.

Why is excessive movement dying?

Muscle is composed of muscle cells. When the exercise is excessive, the muscle cells break down and the myoglobin in the cells will penetrate into the blood in a large amount. The enzyme substances release toxicity and rhabdomyolysis occurs.

Because urine is to be eliminated through the kidneys, these toxic substances, if not discharged, block the renal tubules and may cause renal failure. Moreover, the damaged muscle cells also secrete a large amount of potassium, which can cause hyperkalemia in the blood, and can cause life-threatening cardiac arrest in severe cases.

What are the symptoms of hyperactivity?

Adhere to daily exercise is a good habit. But not every time the greater the amount of exercise is, the better. Each exercise must grasp the intensity. We should pursue the quality of exercise, not the amount of exercise.

Xiao Bian's private chat problem will find that many fans who have just started exercise will think that the continuous sweating exercise will achieve the goal of weight loss/health. So at the beginning, 10 km/day at noon, the result is a lot of physical discomfort. The situation is very frightening.

When the following symptoms appear on the body, everyone must pay great attention to:

1. Heart rate does not increase during exercise

When people exercise, their heart rate will increase. The greater the amount of exercise, the faster the heart rate. If the heart rate does not increase significantly during exercise, it may be an early sign of heart disease: It indicates the risk of angina and myocardial infarction in the future.

2. Abdominal pain and abdominal pain during exercise

During the exercise, abrupt abdominal pain suddenly appeared, mostly due to excessive sweating and loss of water and salt-induced rectus abdominis. Abdominal pain should occur when you lie down to do abdominal breathing 20-30 times, while gently massage the rectus abdominis muscle about 5 minutes, you can stop pain. When you sweat too much during exercise, you should add salt water.

3. Angina pectoris occurs during exercise

Exercise will increase the myocardial load and myocardial oxygen consumption. In particular, some middle-aged and elderly people with varying degrees of arteriosclerosis have a relative insufficiency of blood supply during exercise, resulting in coronary spasm and angina. When you encounter this situation, you must immediately stop the exercise and go to a doctor.

4. Headache during exercise

A small number of heart patients do not feel chest abnormalities during exercise. They only experience headache symptoms. They think that they have not had a good rest or have had a cold. Therefore, if you feel a headache during the exercise, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible for examination.

How to relieve excessive exercise?

After the excessive exercise, these discomforts appear. How should it be alleviated?

Enough sleep

Sleep is the basic prerequisite for ensuring the quality of exercise. It guarantees 7-8 hours of basic sleep every day. Try to fall asleep before 12 o'clock. This will prevent and improve hyperkinetic syndrome to the greatest extent.

It is suggested that everyone can take a hot bath before going to bed. The principle is that the temperature of the body in hot water becomes lower and the calories in the body are consumed. The consumption of heat will make people feel tired. Hot water can make people's overall body temperature rise by about one degree. After a shower, the temperature of a person's body will fall. When normal body temperature is restored, drowsiness will come.

2. Increase nutrition

Should properly increase the intake of some proteins (such as eggs, fish, beans, etc.), but also properly increase the number of beneficial fatty acids (fish, nuts, etc.), these foods are not recommended, can supplement the body needs energy.

If a student likes to exercise in the morning and eats breakfast and tangled food, he is advised to eat a banana or a fiber stick. These can be easily digested and provide quick and direct energy supply. This will ensure that we do not experience dizziness during exercise. Low blood sugar conditions.

3. Adjust exercise intensity and exercise capacity

Adjust the amount of exercise and intensity, or stop training for three to five days, or even a week. You can use some leisure time to go out to travel and relax and relax your body while performing a thorough recovery.

It is recommended that friends who have just started exercise to exercise 2-3 times a week, each exercise time is controlled within 45 minutes, do not exercise after eating or in the weather. If conditions permit, sports watches can be purchased to monitor the heart rate during exercise.

Suggestions: Stop the exercise as soon as there is chest tightness, chest pain, headache, shortness of breath, stomach upset or extreme fatigue during exercise. Do not immediately fall to the ground after strenuous exercise. Continue to walk slowly to prevent gravity shock and avoid hot water bath immediately after exercise.

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