Traveling to Tibet Required Course: Tibetan Commonly Used Living Words Pronunciation Chinese [Control]

Which Tibetan languages ​​may be used frequently? Learn the following words and phrases that I believe will help your travel.

Good luck: Tashidler (usually used to meet, with his hands clasped together, nodding his head)
Thanks: Tungchig no: Sensitivity no change: Mao Zemin I'm sorry: Gongda asks you: I've worked hard: I've been tired I'm not comfortable: Ahhhh, Derby helps me find a doctor: " Can you spend your time in the “An Cai” Tang Dynasty?

Chinese titles pronunciation in Tibetan

You cut me off Ah, he/she widens us and let us cut you off. Father and mother, mother, mother, mother, daughter, Pum, son, Pu'er, sister, Jim, brother, Ken, and relative, Banche, village chief, village chief, county chief, county chief, county, county Long doctor bored eight

Language of life Tibetan pronunciation

Good luck Tashidler Thank you and yours How do you like Soderpo? What name did you cut? Let's go to Carrara Goodbye Carripe I'm sorry Kwong Tat to buy Nie expensive to Kong Zeqingbo How much money Besaka is hot? I bought Niegel Chineberry for good morning Goodbye Baddler Good afternoon for Pearl Judler Good evening for the Palace Pearl Dole Do not Chinchilla Michal Don't agree with money Bessie Co. Don't agree Don't swallow the U.S. agree Don't swallow the oil Don't Return to the rice
Bad Yabu Maya Good Yabudu Inquire 嘎 休 休 电话 喀 喀 喀 喀 喀 创伤 创伤 创伤 创伤 创伤 创伤 创伤 创伤 创伤 创伤 创伤 创伤 玛 玛 玛 玛 玛 玛 玛 玛 玛 玛 玛 玛 玛 拿 拿 垂 垂Long Hugh Plus Fever Plus Wika Feast Banquet Accompanied by Ji Shama Afterwards Feast Banquet with Sa Lama

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