复古风潮 混搭单品不容错过

  法国老电影《this BELLE de jour》,相信许多人都会记住那个古典美又独立自主的妖媚女主角吧?这种上世纪的复古风潮在夏季可是比阳光照射的还猛烈!盛着这片猛烈的复古风推出了一系列单品,喜欢玩混搭复古妆的你不可错过哦!


  推荐单品一 迪奥烈艳蓝金唇膏
  推荐理由:魅力的红唇是复古风的代表作,让你的女人味瞬间倍增。用手指轻涂在双唇,性感无比。但是首先别忘了用唇线画出唇部轮廓哦~再配上清透的底妆,粗粗的眼线,曼妙的红 唇,白皙透彻的肌肤,复古味十足。
  推荐单品二: 魅可持久防水眼线笔

  推荐理由:能级轻松的描绘眼线,能创造柔和的烟熏效果 共有21款颜色容易描画,能创造柔和的烟熏效果 蕴含维他命E能抗氧化,防止眼部细纹生成。很适合复古眼妆使用,大推荐~
  推荐单品三 贝玲妃红印遮瑕棒
  推荐理由:在复古妆中我们选择遮瑕膏,可以遮盖黑眼圈与肌肤暗沉,提亮肌肤,达到清透  底妆的效果。轻盈的质地也是首选哦~
  推荐单品四 波比布朗四色烟熏眼彩盘

5QT Ice bucket:

We have provided custom beer kegs for Coca-Cola, Corona, Carlsberg, etc. The sizes of the Ice Buckets are 5QT, 7.5QT, 10QT and 15QT and so on. The round ice buckets are small and portable, with various types of handles and bottle openers, and simple operation.

Description of the 5QT ice bucket:

Name:5Qt Ice Bucket


Material: galvanized iron

Note: can hold 6 beer bottles of 355ml

Fields of applications: bar, party, hotel, home, outdoor activity

5QT Ice bucketround ice buckets

ice buckets

1. Are you factory ?

Yes. A professional ice bucket and Tin Tray manufacture.

2. Are your products the lowest prices ?

EXW, the same quality, we are much cheaper than other suppliers.

3. Can we customized product ?

Yes, Tailor-made tooling for your own design is welcome.

4. What is the transportation ?

If small quantity, we suggest that sent by Courier, If large amount, by shipping.

5. If goods are damaged in transit, how to do ?

Products are inspected strictly before shipping, if damage, they can be replaced .

5QT Ice Bucket

5Qt Ice Bucket,Galvanized Ice Bucket,Bar Ice Bucket,Plastic Beer Ice Bucket

True & Bright Metal Packaging Co.,Ltd.KaiPing , https://www.tnbcan.com