Fibroblasts and hair follicle formation

Fibroblasts are unremarkable cells in most tissues in the body, where their main role is to make collagen that supports other cell types.

These cells look the same, but their functions are different, which prompts people to ask the following question: Is there only one cell type that responds differently to different stimuli, or do each cell have its own expertise?

Now, a transplantation and lineage study using mice shows that skin connective tissue is produced from two different fibroblast cell lines, which also respond differently to skin development and repair after injury. One cell type forms the lower dermis and the other forms the upper dermis. The latter cell line is required for hair follicle production. The cover image in this issue shows the green around the new hair follicles. They help to form smooth muscles (red), and the latter contract the hair follicles to erect.

In injured adult skin, the initial round of dermal repair is mediated by cell lines that form the underlying dermis, which may explain why there are no hair follicles in newly healed wounds. The authors created a comprehensive lineage tree for all cell types derived from fibroblasts (including smooth muscle cells and fat cells) in mouse dermis.

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