Analysis of the Female Form Appreciation and the Participation Motivation of Fitness in the View of Gender

Women's Body Aesthetics and Gender Motivation in Social Gender Perspective Date:2016-01-13 16:36
From the perspective of gender, women's esthetic sense and participation in the motivation of body-building exercise Wang Aimin S Zhang Liuxia1 There are many aesthetic factors, and male aesthetic standards for women are the most important factors determining the self-body aesthetics of women. The motivation for women to participate in body-building exercises is diversified, and their main motivation is to shape good physical forms. To study the aesthetics of female bodies and the motivation of fitness participation, we must first determine whether the topics studied are based on male or female, or from other positions. The aesthetic standards and fitness of female bodies studied in this topic Motivation for participation in sports is based on three perspectives: male perspective, female-oriented perspective and natural law. If we only proceed from a male perspective, then the results of the study must be one-sided. If we take a male perspective and proceed from a female perspective alone, then the results of the study are also metaphysical. If we open the reality of male-based, female life, we must follow the laws of nature. For research, the results of the research are detached from reality. Therefore, the research on this issue is based on the male position, the social reality of women, and the nature of the study, so that we can fully explore the aesthetics of women and the participation motivation of fitness. 1Objects and Methods of the Study The subjects of the study were females from 5 cities in Beijing, Guangzhou, Xi’an, An and Yinchuan (aged 25-55 years old). These women included different occupational levels and different economic income levels. Women of different cultural levels have generalized results. 1.2 Research Methods The research methods used in this study were: data method, questionnaire method, expert interview method, mathematical statistics method and logic analysis method. The sample size of women surveyed at different levels is 3,000. The surveyed women are permanent members of the fitness club, fixed female participants in non-profit public welfare gymnasiums such as squares and labor unions. 2 For the analysis of contemporary women's aesthetics When studying the topic of Chinese women's aesthetic standards for self-formal beauty, if we look at the gender perspective, most people think that in today’s highly developed social context, the status of women has been gradually improved. The persistent pursuit of beauty by women in the new era is in keeping with the trend of the times and is a manifestation of women's self aesthetics and values. However, if we are to analyze from the angle of history, from the perspective of gender and from the perspective of business motivation, we will find that there are worrying and even erroneous ideas about the physical body. According to a random survey of 3,000 women in some provinces and cities in China, 76.8% of women surveyed their bodies and appearances for further investigation of the cause of their dissatisfaction. Among them, 62% of women consider themselves to be overweight. The main reason for the lack of physical beauty is that 36% of women are not satisfied with their own appearance. However, comparing the height and weight of women surveyed, it is found that 62% of women who believe that they are overweight only account for 14.8% of those who are overweight. This survey result is worrying. Women are self-conscious. Satisfaction is in a “blind” low condition, and this result will eventually lead to many women’s self-funding projects: China Women’s University’s 2011 interdisciplinary special research project examines the needs of women’s fitness market and development trends in China from a gender perspective. Part of the research results. The physical form of the project is not satisfactory, so that progress will affect the level of mental health. A further investigation into the reasons for the dissatisfaction of women's self-forms found that the first reason is that women's male friends or surrounding men are more attractive to women who have a "beautiful appearance". Most women after the age of 25 began to talk about love, and those women with charming face and beautiful figure are more likely to find the ideal man as a boyfriend. Married women are also very concerned about the shape of their own, and 68% of them believe that they are very serious about having an ideal form. The main reason is that 26% of women in this part of the husband care about his wife's figure, 56% of which come from The pressure on the social environment. 3 Women's Sports Participation Motivation Survey Through surveys, it is found that women who regularly engage in sports participation generally have the following characteristics: First, they pursue fashion and keep up the pace; Second, they have better family economic conditions and higher levels of education; Third, they are passionate about fitness activities. Hey, willing to spend time and energy for fitness; fourth is to have more leisure time. At the same time, it was learned that women participating in fitness activities are still married and have had a great relationship with their children: usually before getting married, before getting married, having a babysitter, or helping a relative or having children go to college. In the future, women are more likely to participate in fitness. This also reflects the fact that the role of “mom” after women have children has determined the difficulty of women’s taking home. In the questionnaire, it was found that 62% of women participate in fitness exercises to lose weight and shape the ideal body shape; 6% of women are for physical fitness; 12% of women seek to make friends and expand social interaction. 62% of women who come to participate in sports are for weight-loss bodybuilding. The age span of this group of people is between 25 and 55 years old, mainly concentrated between the ages of 25 and 50. This age span is relatively large, from early youth to late youth. They are mainly concentrated in the following groups: the proportion of women before marriage was 10.2%, 18% before marriage, and 38% after children went to college. The children were between kindergarten and college. 33.8%. Sexual general marriage age is between 25 and 32. During the period of looking for an object, they are eager to shape themselves into women with devious form and beautiful temperament, increasing the attraction to the opposite sex; The percentage of women before the child's fitness compared to the number of women before they were unmarried was mainly due to the fact that they need to devote more energy and time to the management of housework and husband's feelings. The participation in social activities takes more time than before the unmarried person. Decline; From the time of pregnancy to the child's 16-year-old women spend most of their time and energy on their children, and rarely have spare time to participate in fitness clubs in the evening. They usually participate in non-profit employee fitness during work breaks. Only a small number of women in the activity have husbands who are happy to share the housework, or have relatives and nannies at home to help with housework and child care. They can participate in the evening. Fitness clubs pay for fitness activities; most women only have leisure time to participate in club fitness activities after their children go to college, or after they reach the age of 18, and during this period women’s desire to participate in body weight loss and shaping is stronger. . The pursuit of physical health is an important part of the participation of sports participation. 30.4% of women participating in the fitness campaign have made the choice of promoting health and delaying aging as their main goal. The age of these women is generally between 44 and 60 years old. It is during the transition from middle age to old age that most of them have entered menopause. According to the theory of fuzzy medical theory: 5-55 years old is the period of disease outbreak, and it is also the period when body fatness, intelligence, and memory decline are fastest. It also faces more physiological and psychological problems. They not only have to deal with physical diseases and menopausal syndrome. The impact, but also face psychological pressure to accept the aging of the body. Participating in body fitness exercises can prevent diseases, enhance physical fitness and delay aging. 3.3 Some women's participation in sports is to increase social interaction. 7.6% Women participate in body-building exercises to enhance their tastes in life, expand their friendships with 64 circles, and strengthen communication with society. This group of women has a good family economy and has more free time. However, there are less opportunities for social interaction. Apart from the purpose of fitness, they participate in fitness activities. They also have more contacts and more social integration so that they can become husbands. Keep up with the development. This part of women is generally between 25 and 45 years old. 4 Analysis of women's aesthetic concepts from the perspective of gender 4.1 The criteria of women's physical beauty in different historical periods from the perspective of gender Different aesthetic standards for women's physical beauty in different historical periods are different. Within a certain time span, they will form with the aesthetic concepts of the society at that time. Stable beauty aesthetic standards. According to different historical periods, the pre-Qin advocated the beauty of health and nature. In the era of the Book of Songs, the aesthetics of women's postures tend to be plump, and they enjoy the richness of the body. The woman is strong and happy and the beauty is beautiful. In Chen Fengze's description of “the son of Biqi, it's a big friend.” The ideology of the Spring and Autumn Period was different. From the perspective of the Han Feizi’s foreign advocates, from the left-upper “Qi Wanghao Ziyi” to the “Zou Junhao”, it is seen that the aesthetics of the Spring and Autumn Period tend to be diversified. Appreciation of women’s beauty generally ignores the appearance and considers virtue to be better than beauty. color. During the period of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, to appreciate Xiu bones, sparse, refreshing, and bone-like shapes were the female aesthetic orientations of this era. "The shape and the bone are present, and the flesh is reduced by the sparse hole."2 During the Tang Dynasty, women's strong build and rich fat were the most beautiful. For example, the six women depicted in the Zhou Hua Shi's picture depicting the abundance of cheeks and cheeks, Yung Yung-hwa, Yang Xuanzong of Tang Xuanzong's filial piety, Yu Ronghua’s responsibilities, and the term “fat ring”. The requirements for the beauty of women in this period are: forehead, face, and body fat. Since the Song Dynasty, the status of women in the feudal society in China has still not been changed, and the status of women has become increasingly tragic. To appreciate delicate and delicate, the most frequently used word in the description of the woman's form by the Song people is the word "", such as Li Qingzhao's "Intoxication of the Curtain and the West Wind, which is better than Huang Hua." People say "" is the aesthetic feature of Li Qingzhao. . After the Ming and Qing dynasties, they appreciated the delicate beauty of “Liu Fufeng” and liked the paleness, slightness, slightness, slenderness, and irritability. After the Ming and Qing dynasties, women's aesthetics became more and more deformed, creating the most exquisite works of the senses. "The most important sign of folk judgments is not how the appearance and body, but the size of the feet. The smaller the feet, the more beautiful." The traditional Chinese feminine beauty has been pushed to the extreme of the sick.4.2 The impact of social culture on the aesthetic changes of traditional women's physical beauty The modern American feminist theory also points out that the physiological differences between men and women are not sufficient to determine the relationship between men and women and the corresponding The factors of status, but from the patriarchal structure of the social structure to find the reasons.In accordance with the principles of historical materialism methodology, to explore the root causes of female beauty, in the final analysis to seek answers from the social culture.. 4.2.1 reproductive worship is the most primitive source of the association. The study found that as early as in prehistoric times, the ancestors had already had a simple and beautiful heart. From the Neolithic art, China left behind a large number of paintings and sculptures depicting women's images, and we have survived ancient times. Myths and legends can confirm that the prehistoric human perception of women's physical beauty was with him. There is a link between reproduction and the continuation of life.. 4.2.2 The emergence of social division of labor is an important factor. The most important social condition for men's aesthetic change in the beauty of female form is due to the emergence of social division of labor. It is gathering and hunting, and women gather fruit for male hunting, and the fruits collected by women are more assured than hunting. In that era, women’s reproductive ability and a robust body were advocated. With the development of productivity, the first social division of labor was animal husbandry and agriculture. In the hunting and collecting industry, women’s dominant position in traditional industries was gradually replaced by males who were good at grazing and planting, and men dominated. After the individual family was born, the wife was excluded from social production. “Men and women are weak”, men and women from “and male to female” become the basic model of the social structure.The range of women's activities is restricted to the family, and the division of roles of women also requires that she must learn to dress up to please men. This dependence on men for survival needs is that women must follow the patriarchal society. Aesthetic standards to decorate and dress up their social roots 4.2.3 The results of male-dominated culture construction In male dominated societies, male power not only dominates the pattern of social division of labor, but also dominates the institutional, ideological, spiritual, and cultural realms. As Marx put it: A class is the material force in which society dominates, and it is also the dominant spiritual force in society. The class that controls the material means of production, at the same time, dictates the production of spiritual materials. The same is true of the concept. The famous British sexologist 蔼 蔼 蔼 蔼 蔼 蔼 蔼 蔼 蔼 蔼 蔼 蔼 蔼 蔼 蔼 蔼 蔼 蔼 蔼 蔼 蔼 曾 曾 曾 曾 曾 曾 曾 曾 曾 曾 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。. Therefore, the key to whoever chooses to dress is between men and women. The key lies in the social status of both sexes. This is exactly what is happening in traditional Chinese society. Males dominate material production materials, and they also govern spiritual production materials and govern the aesthetic activities of women. The original initiative and creativity of women's aesthetics were denied. In women's aesthetic activities, women are only passive images. Men are active “watchers”. It is men’s vision to play a decisive role. Men transmit their illusions to women who are “others”. Men form the beauty of women in accordance with their ideals. Footbinding is a typical example. It is a deformed beauty imposed on women. In the final analysis, the traditional Chinese women's aesthetic standards have always been judged and defined by the eyes of men. Women have always been passive “others”. It can be said that women’s history as “beauties” is that Yiyi is a woman “materialized”. History. 4.2.4 Females' Alienation of Women's Understanding of Formal Beauty. Different historical periods, men's different aesthetic preferences for feminine form aesthetics can be achieved, is inseparable from the female's recognition and acceptance of the male standard, and women internalize the aesthetic requirements of men into their own requirements. In fact, the construction subject of the aesthetic standards of women's physical beauty is men. In the aesthetic activities, men judge and admire female alienation as “objects”. Women have no resistance to this aesthetic approach and preference of men. The majority of women shape their bodies in accordance with the standards of women's physical beauty recognized by men. They even endure the pain of physical and mental suffering by pleasing male aesthetic vision. The most typical example is women. Foot binding. The malady of the “three-inch golden lotus” is tantamount to a kind of physical and mental torture for women. However, in modern times, when the “foot ban” movement began, women actually committed suicide because they could not wrap their feet. 4.3 Today's mass media are the promoters of "aesthetic violence" for women's bodies. Under the conditions of the market economy, advertisers who rely on the survival and development of the media, they "deaf" or even "manipulate" mass media to promote "specific consumption concepts" to their audiences. To achieve the purpose of promoting the sale of goods. Due to the huge market potential of “her economy”, women’s body, appearance, and related things are used as objects of media hype to obtain an abundance of economic returns. In the mass media, “beauty” has always impacted the eyes of a large number of media consumers. The common feature of these feminine forms is that they are hot, bumpy, and graceful. The media has made greater use of the male audience for the special hobby of beauty seeking "eyeball stimuli," which has increased the website's click-through rate. At the same time, many researchers believe that women in real life are surrounded by these perfect female images, and only passive body images emerge. In addition, in the mass media, advertisements that imply “implication” or even “insult” sexuality for women’s appearances are commonplace. For example, the headline of a well-known website in the most eye-catching advertising section is openly marked with the title of “a woman full, men like it”. Opening related pages can reveal the invented stories about women who are not full and not liked or even abandoned by men. Then they use a lot of stories. Cases of women who are not full-fledged can promote breast fullness by taking their breast enhancement products. It can be said that in every well-known website, such advertisements have become commonplace. Advertisers, as a strong group, adopt active and targeted strategies, while female consumers are in a passive and vulnerable group, and have unconsciously slipped into the logic of advertising discourse. It was strongly induced. 5 To establish women's correct body aesthetics 5.1 Women must use a dialectical perspective to view "the heart of beauty." Since ancient times, women's pursuit of beauty has never stopped. Sociological research suggests that the inferiority of those who are below the average looks just as great as the beauty has, and it turns out that the punishment of the ugly may be greater than the reward of the beauty. This cannot but cause us. Concern for the United States and the recognition of objective criteria. Therefore, from the perspective of men, women's self aesthetic demands and social reality proceed from the scientific laws of natural beauty of the human body. Women's “heart of beauty” belongs to the most universal psychological and physiological category of human beings. However, women’s pursuit of beauty must have a correct judgment and scale. For example, the “beautiful” aesthetic concept of body physique is worth considering. Here is the bottom of the "" where the limit, many women's weight loss is reduced to "bone like firewood," the degree of extreme weight loss measures even affect the normal physiological function of women. For example, in order to lose weight, some women use diet pills to lose weight within a few days, which can not be said to be a very worrying issue. Therefore, how to dialectically deal with the yardstick of understanding beauty and the pursuit of beauty, and dealing with the relationship between goals and methods, is crucial for the majority of women. In the process of pursuing beauty, the most basic prerequisite for women is not to sacrifice physical health at the expense of undermining the body's normal growth and development, and to establish a correct body shape and beauty concept. The former Soviet Union artist Geeter put forward the criteria for assessing the beauty of modern women and quantified the height and weight. He considered that the height was 1.64-1.66 meters, the weight was 55-57 kg, the chest circumference was 0.90-0.94 meters, and the circumference of the waist circumference was 0.18. Rice as a standard. From this set of data, it can be seen that, relative to height, the weight requirement is within the body's required healthy weight. Geeter believes that the beautiful figure comes from a healthy body. To this end, he proposed that bodybuilding women should achieve the following health index: pulse jump about 70 times per minute, breath, inhale 12-14 times per minute, lung capacity 3200-3400 ml, take the wrist 28-30 In kilograms, the ridge bears 80-90 kilograms of gravity. In addition, it can run within a distance of 2,400-2,600 meters in 12-13 minutes. From this set of numerical indicators we can see that only having a healthy body is the origin of beauty. 5.2 Improving women’s knowledge and self-awareness and overcoming the aesthetic standards of blindly following men for women Although women’s status increases, they pursue beauty not only to gain the favor of the opposite sex, but because our society has long neglected women’s self-awareness. And the awakening of individual consciousness, most women still use the vision of others around them to play the full role that others like. China is still in a social and cultural form dominated by a male-dominated society. The role of women in society is still in a relatively weak position. Women are living in such a large social and cultural environment. Many women's behaviors and thinking must conform to a male-dominated society. The "male" standard has become an established fact. For example, the basic quality of a woman is required to be "soft, smooth, and existential". As a wife, she has to play the role of a good wife and a good mother. If she violates these standards, she is considered not a good wife. There are also established standards for the external beauty of women. For example, the standard of “beauty” requires a charming face, fine skin, and a constitutive body. According to a survey of 28-45-year-old men, 48% of men feel that their girlfriend or wife has a charming face and a slim body is a matter of face. It is understandable that women pursue the beauty of their own physical form and appearance. However, women in the process of pursuing beauty must learn some lessons from history. The process of chasing after women in the pursuit of beauty in the United States has found that some abnormal female aesthetic concepts have caused heavy price for the process of women’s pursuit of beauty. The most extreme example is why the history of “three-inch golden lotus” has such an incredibly erroneous aesthetic concept, and women can The main reason for this misconception is that the social status of women in society relative to men is low, which leads to the male dominatement of male society for the fate of women. The aesthetic standards of men determine the aesthetic norms of female self. Compared with women in the period of feudal society, women in today’s society have greatly improved their status and self-consciousness, but women in today’s society have not completely shaken off the fate of male dominated male societies, as long as male power dominates the society. The fate of the female body being appreciated as a "materialized" product is hard to change. Under such a patriarchal social pattern, women can only change their apprehension fate by strengthening their learning, improving their knowledge, developing their ability to distinguish right from wrong, and improving their ability to compete with men in society. Become the master of self destiny. 5.3 Women must have the ability to resist bad commercial motives of the mass media The mass media are the product of socio-technical progress and economic development in the 20th century. Since its inception, it has rapidly expanded into all aspects of human life with a tremendous penetrating power. "Eyeball economy" is the inevitable outcome of the mass media development to a certain extent. Among them, “beauty” is used as a vehicle to attract eyeballs, and it is extremely common in the current media and networks. In today's society, many business groups have lost their sense of morality and responsibility in order to pursue lucrative returns. They have begun to take boldly the path of vulgarized media marketing. For example, the media stir fry "super girl", "human feast", "beauty selection contest" and so on. Similarly, some media women in the mass media, in order to achieve a huge return on their profits, would not hesitate to lose women as the human being with the most basic moral dignity and be extremely irresponsible towards their own words and actions. Many women in the media are “flanked by milk” language. Vulgar, explicit, no moral bottom line. This type of mass media, enterprises, and media women are entwined in order to entangle interests, and they do not hesitate to use profits to “receive public eyeballs” to get a return. Such behavior seriously pollutes the network environment. Women's long-term erosion In this unresponsive mass media environment, these messages have been rejected, recognized, not objected to, and even acknowledged and accepted. As a new generation of social women, we must have a sense of prevention and ability to resist the interference and influence of bad media information. At the same time, we must establish a noble moral sentiment, inherit the fine traditions of Chinese women, and maintain women's elegant and introverted femininity, and resist the public. The media suggests that women take the path of vulgarization. Similarly, as the media is chasing economic interests, it must be based on a socially responsible attitude and create a green media environment for the audience. 5.4 To establish a "physical and mental health" as the basis of the physical beauty aesthetic The basis of physical beauty is health. In the process of beauty, many wrong ideas have occurred. An era's erroneous aesthetic concept of women's beauty can hamper the physical and mental health of several generations of women. At the end of the 1990s, the beauty of the "bone sensation" of popular women in China began. At that time, many women achieved a "bone sensation" by dieting and diet pills. Before women want to lose weight, they must first make scientific analysis through body composition. Whether they belong to the weight loss series in the end, if you really need to lose weight, then you must consider how to reduce, how to reduce, absolutely can not listen to advertising rumors, blindly lose weight harm the body. As the philosopher Plekhanov said: The standard of absolute beauty does not exist, and it cannot exist. People's concept of beauty has undoubtedly changed during the course of historical development. "However, in a certain period of time, the relative standards of the United States still exist. This standard of physical beauty includes: sound bone development, full muscle tone, soft and shiny complexion, elegant body shape The beauty of physical and mental health is the highest realm in which women pursue beauty.

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